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If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk or harm call 911
For 24 hour support and referral, call Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

Margaret’s Story (emotional and psychological abuse)

story3Leaving her home to move in with her daughter and her family was supposed to be the best thing for Margaret.  Her son-in-law Tom had always made her a little uneasy, but she adored her daughter and grandchildren.  Sadly, Margaret’s move has only confirmed that her instincts about her son-in-law had been right.

Tom is always good to her when her daughter is around.  But as soon as others are out of ear-shot, Tom’s verbal abuse and intimidation begins.  He calls her stupid.  He mocks the way she moves or talks.  He tells her that she disgusts him and that she had better watch her step or he'll send her to a home.  He threatens that if Margaret breathes a word of what he says, to her daughter, he will deny it, take all her money and leave her to the wolves.

Margaret’s daughter is puzzled as to why her mother has become so withdrawn.  She refuses to leave her room except for meals.  And even then she hardly eats and rarely speaks.  Her daughter wonders why her mother would shut down like this in such a loving environment but assumes that she’s just adjusting and will come around.  Her husband agrees completely.

The characters and events depicted in this scenario are entirely fictitious.  Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Alberta Seniors and Housing

Thank you to Alberta Seniors and Housing for their ongoing support as a Funder and Partner

Our Values

Our belief is that no one organization has a broad enough scope to address the complex issue of elder abuse in its entirety. A truly effective community response involves many stakeholders working in collaboration.

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